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Friedrich Electrotechnology and Electromobility

Consulting, Training, VEFK

High-Voltage Training

High-Voltage Training

according to DGUV 209-093

Qualification for work on vehicles with high-voltage systems

DGUV - German Statutory Accident Insurance

Tasks of the DGUV

The DGUV is the umbrella organization of all German employers' liability insurance associations and is responsible for the implementation, coordination and promotion of joint measures and research in the field of prevention of occupational accidents, occupational diseases and work-related health hazards.

As part of its tasks, the DGUV publishes regulations, rules and information that are not laws, but have a statutory character. Those who adhere to them can assume that their actions are legally compliant.

DGUV homepage

High voltage as defined in
DGUV Information 209-093.

Brochure DGUV 209-093

The DGUV Information 209-093 defines the term high voltage:

“High voltage includes voltages

> 60 V and ≤ 1,500 V direct current (DC) or

> 30 V and ≤ 1,000 V alternating voltage (AC)

in vehicle technology, especially in hybrid and fuel cell technology as well as electric vehicles."

This definition of the term "high voltage" ("Hochvolt" in German) is used exclusively in connection with electric vehicles and their components.

It is not to be confused with the term "high voltage" ("Hochspannung" in German) used in traditional electrical engineering.

Overview of the high-voltage training classes offered by FEE:

driving an electric vehicle

Sensitized person to handle HV vehicles

This training is intended for people who are only expected to handle electric vehicles. Handling includes driving, charging and cleaning the vehicle. The training lasts around 20 minutes, covers the main differences between electric vehicles and combustion engines and highlights the additional hazards.

Level E is the qualification for work on development vehicles (before series production starts), Level S is for series production vehicles. The required content differs only slightly; we offer a joint training course for both types of qualification and certify this accordingly.

repairing electric vehicles

Instructed person for general work on HV vehicles

Anyone who has to carry out the conventional tasks on high-voltage vehicles needs this training. This includes any work beyond operating the vehicle that is not carried out on the high-voltage components. The training lasts about 3 hours and includes a final test. The contents of level E or S are included in this training.

The required content differs only slightly between 1E and 1S, we offer a joint training course for both types of qualification and certify this accordingly if the knowledge test is successful.

Repairing the high-voltage system

Qualified person for working on HV systems in a de-energized state

All employees that work directly on the high-voltage system will need this training. The scope depends on the employee's previous training and the type of qualification:

Level E (development vehicles):

- without any prior knowledge of electrical engineering: 10 days

- with vehicle technical training without HV qualification: 5 days

- with electrotechnical qualification: 3 days

Level S (production vehicles):

- without any prior knowledge of electrical engineering: 8 days

- with vehicle technical training: 2 days

The contents of level 1E or 1S are included in this training class.

The training concludes with a theoretical and a practical examination. Upon successful completion, the participant receives a certificate.

Life work on the HV vehicle

Qualified person for work on live HV components

In rare cases, it may be necessary to work on live systems. This is in the event of work on the battery or a fault that means the high-voltage system can no longer be switched off. Only employees with the 3E or 3S qualification may carry out this work.

The training lasts 3 days, includes a theoretical and a practical final examination and must be repeated every 4 years.

The required content differs only slightly between 3E and 3S, we offer a joint training course for both types of qualification and certify this accordingly if the final examination is passed.

Annual Instruction

Annual Instructions

It is not enough to complete the training just once. As part of the mandatory safety training, attention must be drawn to the risks and any changes in the regulations once a year. We offer both in-person events and online self-learning courses (assuming the technical means are available).

In both cases, the training takes about 20 minutes. 

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