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Friedrich Electrotechnology and Electromobility

Consulting, Training, VEFK


Your company has electrical systems, but your employees have no electrical training?

We help you to run your business safely.

About Us
Advice using a PC

Electrotechnical Consultancy by Professionals

Our know-how and many years of experience for your success

Symbol call-out


We consult you on all questions regarding the safe use of electricity

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HV training

We train you and your employees in the use of high-voltage technology

Symbol location


We support you in conducting risk assessments


We take responsibility for electrical safety

Responsible Skilled Electrial Person (VEFK)

Companies that employ staff are fundamentally responsible for ensuring that their employees can carry out their tasks safely. This is derived from the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany:

"Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity."
Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, Article 2, Paragraph 2)

In his responsibility as a business operator, an entrepreneur must therefore respect this law. The Occupational Safety and Health Act is based on Article 2 of the German constitution and begins with the words

"This Act serves to safeguard and improve the safety and health protection of workers at work through measures of occupational safety and health."
(Occupational Safety and Health Act, §1, section 1)

In concrete terms, this means that the employer must guarantee safety in all areas of the company. Regardless of whether they have electrical engineering qualification, this also applies to the electrical engineering part of his business. He cannot do this without the appropriate specialist knowledge. This is where the responsible skilled electrical person (VEFK) comes into play. Medium-sized and large companies employ their own VEFKs, to whom responsibility is delegated. This is often not worthwhile for smaller companies. It is then possible to employ an external VEFK and delegate responsibility to this person.

Electrician takes measurements at a control cabinet

The VEFK in the company

The VEFK assumes responsibility for the electrical systems in a company and ensures the legally compliant operation of these systems on behalf of the entrepreneur.

Charge Port

Expert supervisor for high-voltage vehicles

High-voltage vehicles are also considered electrical systems and are therefore subject to the same electrical safety regulations and standards that apply to all electrical systems. In addition, there are a few special features to be observed.


Legal basis

According to German law, the person responsible for electrical systems is a system operator. This means that the operator is responsible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, regardless of whether he is on site or has electrical engineering knowledge. The principle "ignorance does not protect against punishment" applies.

Ensuring Electrical Safety

Our Services

Professional support for your company

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