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Friedrich Electrotechnology and Electromobility

Consulting, Training, VEFK

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Who needs a VEFK or a high-voltage expert?

Under German law, the entrepreneur is an operator of the electrical installations. This is accompanied by the operator's responsibility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week . Regardless of whether he is on site or has electrical engineering knowledge. The principle "ignorance does not protect against punishment" applies.

Many companies operate electrical systems. This can be a PC or an entire production plant. If it is exclusively about office machines, the responsibility for the entrepreneur to ensure safe operation is still quite manageable. It is sufficient to have the devices regularly (ideally annually, maximum every 4 years) checked by a qualified company in accordance with DGUV regulation 3 and to instruct employees in proper use. Incidentally, this also includes prohibiting them from working on the electrical parts of a system. Just replacing a defective connection cable is not allowed without the appropriate qualification.

In workshops, electrical appliances must be inspected every six months. For complex systems, further inspections are required, and if the company employs its own electrician for maintenance, the responsibility increases to such an extent that it can no longer be managed by someone who is not himself an electrically skilled person.

This is where the
responsible skilled electrical person (VEFK) comes into play. This is a person who must be a skilled electrical person himself. According to the definition, an electrician is someone who has an electrical engineering background (electrical engineer, electrical technician, master electrician or journeyman electrician), has experience with the task to be performed and is familiar with the relevant standards and regulations. The transfer of responsibility is documented in a contract. This can be part of the employment contract, but is often an additional contract, a so-called order.

Smaller companies usually do not employ their own electrician unless the business requires it. Medium-sized companies often lack an electrician with the expertise to take on the tasks of a VEFK. In this case, an external expert can also be entrusted with the tasks of a VEFK. Medium-sized companies would of course work with the external VEFK to qualify their own employees so that they can take on the tasks themselves after a while.

If there is an accident involving electricity, especially a fatal accident, the question of responsibility immediately arises. That question always starts with the employer. Did he do everything in his power to prevent the accident? If he can point to a properly appointed safety representative, it is up to the representative to prove that he or she has done everything possible to prevent the accident in the area for which he or she has been appointed. Nevertheless, the employer is not completely relieved of his or her obligations. Of course, he must also implement the recommendations of his VEFK.

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