Would you like to know how you can ensure electrical safety in your company? We would be happy to advise you personally and without obligation at your location.
Do you know your obligations to the safe handling of electrical equipment? Intuitively, you will answer "yes". We would be happy to discuss with you whether you really know all the relevant details.
All electrical appliances are subject to mandatory inspections within defined time periods. The tests must be documented. In the event of an accident, this is your proof that the appliances were safe to operate. We will be happy to help you draw up documentation and commission the inspections.
You are responsible for the qualification of your employees. We will be happy to explain to you in person what actions are required and how you get trained yourself and your employees in a legally compliant manner.
Ginsheimer Straße 7, 65468 Trebur, Deutschland
Tel: +49 170 2340041
E-mail: Info@FEE.de.com